According to following prophecy, the time really has to be near: «The Israelites shall live many a long day without king and prince (Messiah) … but after that they will again seek the Lord their God and David their king (Jesus, the King of The Jews), and turn anxiously to the Lord for his bounty IN THE LATTER DAYS.» Hos.3:4-5.
WHY DID THE JEWISH PEOPLE SUFFER HOLOCAUST? Of course of the same reason as God let his people suffer terribly in Egypt, before they left the country, thousands of years ago. The trials in Egypt prepared them for the conquering of the land of Israel – which should be their everlasting native country.
But after they had come home to Isrel, both Ephraim and Judah left their God. And then they had to leave their country. The first time, Judah returned after 70 years. But they sinned again, and had to leave the country anew in year 70 after Christ. Holocaust surely was their preparing of getting their land back, after 2000 years.
Ephraim, the ten tribes, disappeared after their captivity in Assyria, which ended in year 612 b.C. They never returned to Israel. But God tells us that their return, will take place late in history: «I am gathering up the Israelites from their places of exile among the nations ; I will assemble them from every quarter and restore them to their own soil. I will make them one single nation in the land … and they shall have one king (Jesus the Messiah) ; they shall no longer be … devided in two nations.» Ezek.37:21-22.
Today Ephraim is lacking their homeland, while Judah is lacking their King and Prince, Jesus, their Messiah.
David is in Psalm 67, praying for the time to come, when the whole world shall receive the truth about Jesus, our Saviour. He says: «Bless us (the Jewish people) … that your ways may be known on earth and his saving power among all nations … Let all nations rejoice … God grant us (Israel) his blessing, that all the ends of earth may fear him.»
That was David’s prayer. But later on, Isaiah – in a wonderful prophecy, points to the time, when that prayer will be fulfilled. «It shall come to pass in the last days … that all nations shall flow … to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths : for out of Zion shall go forth THE LAW (which is not annulled), and THE WORD OF THE LORD (which is not an old annulled testament) from Jerusalem.» Isai.2:2-3.
This worldwide missionary work is going out from Jerusalem. And since the prophecy concerns Judah, it is the Jewish people who starts it.
Jesus confirmed this, when he said to the Samarian woman: «You Samaritans worship without knowing what you worship, while we worship what we know. FOR IT IS FROM THE JEWS THAT SALVATION COMES.» John 4:22-23.
Jesus sent his twelve apostles to Ephraim, the ten lost tribes, saying to them: «Do not take the road to gentile lands … but go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.» Matth.10:5-6. Since it was the European countries who first accepted Jesus’ gospel, our Christian countries have to be «the ten lost tribes».
But we have to realize that we only have gospels from two of Jesus’ apostles, in our Jesus-book. Why are we in short of the gospels from the ten other of Jesus apostles???
Jesus said about all his 12 apostles: « As thou hast sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world … It is not for these alone that I pray, but for those also who THROUGH THEIR WORDS put their faith in me ; MAY THEY ALL BE ONE.» John 17:18-20. Jesus here only sanctions words written by his twelve apostles. For he only prayes for those who put their faith in him, THROUGH THEIR WORDS.
God gave the two gospels to «the ten lost tribes». But where
are the ten lost gospels?
Isn’t it selfconfident that they are hidden – for the Jewish people to find them, in Jerusalem, God’s city. According to Isaiah’s prophecy, the Jews are the ones who are chosen to bring Jesus’ gospel out to the whole world, in the last days.
Therefore it has to be to the Jews, Jesus says: «There is nothing hidden that will not become public, nothing under cover that will not be made known and brought into the open.» Luke 8:17. And he of course is speaking of the ten lost gospels which have to be hidden in God’s town, Jerusalem, until the last days. Then the Jews will find them, and create their own Jesus-book, only built on words from Jesus.
When we experience the terrible tryals the Jews again are going through, we have to realize that both the time for them to accept Jesus as their Messiah – and the time for Ephraim’s homecoming, can be near. What can we do in order to start discussions with Jewish believers, regarding to this very important matter ???